Growing Success Natural Power Bug Stop 800Ml Rtu 800Ml
Growing Success Natural Power Bug Stop 800Ml Rtu 800Ml
20300571Growing Success Bug Stop is a pesticide-free alternative to help prevent bugs on fruits, vegetables and flowers as well as ornamental plants. Its formulation contains natural ingredients and will not harm beneficial insects such as bees and ladybirds. It works by promoting a plant reaction to defend itself against a wide range of pests such as Aphids, Whitefly, Greenfly, Mealybugs and more.
Suitable for organic gardening
For Aphids, Whitefly, Greenfly, Mealybugs, Spider Mite and more.
Bee & Ladybird friendly
Improves plant’s natural defences
How To Use
Use all year round, indoors and out. When applied on edibles there is no harvest interval – just wash before eating.
Growing Success Bug Stop should be used preventatively or at first sign of infestation.
Shake well before use and always read the label thoroughly before use.
Spray directly onto the plant making sure a good coverage is applied to both upper and lower leaf surface.
For best results re-apply every 7 days.